Strawberry Benefits Simply Delicious


Nutritious Edible Strawberry 

Strawberry (genus Fragaria) genus is of more than 20 species of the flowering plants of the rose family (Rosaceae) and their edible fruit. Strawberries are native to temperate regions of the northern Hemisphere and cultivated varieties are cultivated around the world.  The fruit is a rich source of vitamin C commonly eaten fresh as a dessert fruit in pie fillings, jams, jellies, smoothies, chocolate covered strawberries, sauces, and  marinades to flavor any dish.  Historically the first strawberry garden was grown in Brittany France During the late 17th century.  Prior to this wild strawberries were cultivated from wild strawberry species and were common sources of fresh edible fruits.  Popular strawberry types include Strawberry Honeoye, Strawberry Delizz, Strawberry Tristan, Strawberry Summer Breeze, Deep Rose, Strawberry Rube.

Strawberry Honeoye is a superstar performer in the Northeast and Midwest regions, a cold hardy favorite for growers over more than 30 years. Fill your basket with heaps of delicious dark red fruits which reach peak flavor when they ripen moderately in warmer climate conditions. Strawberries are usually readily available at your local grocery store or farmers market across the U.S.  Growing your own strawberries is especially fun in a typical garden bed or stackable planter.  The 5 Tier Stackable Strawberry Garden includes 5 slate gray planters and bottom saucer.  The enthusiastic  gardener can grow herbs, strawberries and flowers in the easy to use 5 tier planter  indoor or outdoor use. Strawberries are not only delicious but packed with nutrients including vitamin C essential for immune and skin health, and folate vitamin B9 crucial for normal tissue growth, manganese, a coenzyme that assists in many enzymes involved in breaking down carbohydrates, proteins and cholesterol. 

Manganese also works with vitamin K to assist in wound healing by clotting the blood.  It also assists in enzymes in building bones and keeping the immune system working properly. Manganese is an essential trace element naturally present in many foods and also available in dietary supplement manganese is a cofactor in many enzymes including manganese superoxide dismutase arginase and pyruvate carbohydrate.  Through the action of these enzymes manganese is involved in amino acid cholesterol glucose and metabolism reactive oxygen species scavenging bone formation, and immune response. NIH  Manganese is present in a wide variety of foods including black tea, whole wheat bread, strawberries,  pineapple, spinach, chickpeas, hazelnuts, brown rice and mussels. The health benefits of strawberries is enormous.  They naturally deliver vitamins, minerals, fiber and high levels of antioxidants known as polyphenols protecting the body against cancer, heart disease, asthma, diabetes, osteoporosis, neurodegenerative diseases and other conditions associated with oxidative stress. 

Strawberries are an ideal aromatic fruit consumed by people across the globe in 2024. Strawberries are a wonderful source of polyphenols providing 674.0 mg of polyphenols per one cup serving that help boost the immune system protecting the body against chronic diseases. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and plant compounds that benefit heart health and blood sugar control.  Strawberries originated in Europe in the 18th century and are a hybrid of two wild strawberry species from North America and Chilly regions.  One half cup of fresh strawberries is only 27 calories per serving, 6.73 grams carbohydrates, 0.56 grams plant protein. 1.7 grams fiber, 127 mg potassium, 0.35mg iron, 13mg calcium, 1 mcg vitamin A, 48.8mg vitamin C.  Strawberries are simply delicious edible fruit consumed in pureed beverages, low calorie desserts, salad dressings, toppings or eaten raw.  


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of Picture Store Photos at AdobeStock


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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.