Summer Weight Loss Strategies For A Successful Slimmer You 


Best Way To Lose Weight

Summer Weight Loss techniques can include many combinations of exercises and specialized diet proven to get results you want. Reducing calories can be accomplished by eliminating specific foods high in saturated fats, including processed foods, and sugars.  Processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats, vegetable oils and refined seed oils that are often hydrogenated that turns into trans fats.

If you are attempting to cut down on saturated try to eliminate it from your diet or at least reduce the amount of food you eat containing saturated fat consumption to 5 grams per 100 grams.  It is one of the unhealthiest fats along with trans fats and is often solid at room temperature.  Foods like coconut or palm oil, butter, cheese and red meat are high in saturated fats.  Too much-saturated fats in the diet can lead to health complications including diabetes, heart disease, and other health complications.

Food processing is the transformation of cooked ingredients by physical or chemical means into a food product used for consumption by the public. Food manufacturers combine ingredients from fresh and processed sources to produce food products for the consumer often high in sodium, sugar and saturated fats.  Not all processed foods are considered bad choices.  Some foods are processed to make them safe for public consumption.

Reading product can be a huge benefit for weight loss helping the consumer knows exactly what the product contains including ingredients used and calories per serving.  According to the FDA Food and Drug Association, good nutrition is important throughout your life.  The nutrition facts label serves as your guide to assist you in making appropriate food choices for a better diet

Healthy Breakfast for For Weight Loss.

Start your day off with 10  Healthy breakfast recipes designed to give you the benefits of eating enough protein the body needs to build and repair lean tissue.  Protein is an essential building block for the formation of bone, cartilage, skin, and blood.  If you are trying to lose weight by replacing carbs and fat with lean proteins you can reduce hunger appetite for the wrong foods and boost satiety hormones.

Hormones play an important role in our bodies.  Leptin is the hormone of energy expenditure is a hormone predominately made of adipose cells that regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger resulting in decreasing your appetite.  Ghrelin is the hormone that increases your appetite and plays a role in body weight. Research indicates your hormones influence your appetite and how much fat is stored on your body. Balance hormones naturally for a summer weight loss success eating and sleeping well.

Control your weight by consuming small amounts of food equally spaced throughout the day to regulate hormones and insulin levels.  Insulin is a peptide hormone is considered the main anabolic hormone in the body.  It is responsible for regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.  Elevated insulin levels can lead to health complications including metabolic disorder and obesity.

Regulate Hormones Naturally

  • Eat enough protein at each meal
  • Consume healthy fats including avocados, extra virgin olive oil, fatty fish, whole eggs, nuts, chia seeds,
  • Avoid sugar, sweets, sugary drinks, processed foods and refined carbs
  • Consume fatty fish often
  • Avoid overeating or under eating
  • Manage stress well
  • Participate in regular exercise daily
  • Regulate hormones sleeping well 6-8 hours per night

Drinking Coffie For Health Benefits

Coffie prevents death from possible health benefits to improve longevity and wellness have been established according to the National Institute of health.  Research indicates coffee may contribute as an appetite suppressant and is often used for weight loss to boosting metabolic rate increasing fat burning effects.  Even though coffee does not expend more calories in the long term there is still evidence that drinking coffee can help reduce appetite

Consuming moderate amounts of caffeine can elevate daily energy performance levels helping you feel more energized throughout the day.  Coffie has nutritional values for promoting good health while enhancing cognitive performance, increasing the ability to concentrate and focus.  For summer weight loss drink 1-2 cups of coffee per day to help suppress hunger.  Drink coffee sensibility along with a healthy diet and exercise program for good results. (1.)

Kitchen Preparation for Weight Loss

Losing weight often starts in kitchen preparation using the latest in organization strategies.  Revamp the kitchen appearance by eliminating clutter from the countertops drawers and pantry.  Start by clearing out junk food and sugary treats like cake cookies, candy and sweet treats making space available for healthy food storage.

Eliminating all the wrong foods from your kitchen space will give you a fresh perspective on simple lifestyle choices helping you lose unwanted weight.  It is important to set your kitchen up to create a healthy eating environment and healthier you.  Eating well is not only about what you consume it is about how you choose to live your life.  Small changes in your kitchen design can yield huge benefits in food preparation using a small budget for a makeover.

Organizing your kitchen from top to bottom can greatly improve the look and feel of your space.  Transform your kitchen clearing out the clutter allowing room for food preparation.  Setting up a well stocked pantry to include healthy food choices makes cooking meals a breeze by having all the right ingredients available all in one location.

20 smart kitchen storage ideas by  Chelsey Brown of HGTV suggests making the most out of your kitchen drawers, cabinets and pantry to find clever solutions for staying well organized.

Summer Weight Loss Success Stock Pantry

Lose weight stocking your pantry with 18 pantry essentials including healthy dry foods for quick fix meals. if you want to lose weight this summer eliminating certain foods from your diet can be very beneficial for your waistline.  Avoid consuming sugar, sweets, and treats that will result in weight gain.  Consuming a lot of sugar will raise insulin levels in the blood selectively deposits fat into cells.  Filling the pantry with healthy ingredients helps you stay on track with making good dietary choices.

  • Nuts- almonds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, flax seed
  • Almond butter
  • Almond meal
  • Nut spread 100% peanut butter
  • Legumes
  • Olive oil
  • Protein bars- Low calorie
  • Pure Water
  • Tea and coffee
  • Canned chicken, tuna
  • Spices of choice

Spices For Losing Weight

Spices for weight loss success reduce cravings naturally Adding the right spices to your meals can help reduce inflammation in the body and aid in weight loss. Using spices for weight loss management has gained popularity over the years as people discover the health benefits of cooking with spices.  According to Marcola there are 10 spices and herbs proven to effective for losing weight successfully including, ginseng,  cayenne pepper, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric help support your weight loss goals.

Additionally fighting obesity using spices and herbs including cumin, mustard, cardamom in your recipes can elevate the flavor in any dish.  Finding combinations of spices you enjoy with cooking is a personal preference.  Create new recipes using aromatic herbs and spices will help reduce the need for sodium in your diet resulting in weight loss.

Spices and herbs have huge benefits for losing weight while providing potent antioxidant properties for your food supply and may help reduce the risk associated with chronic diseases.  Specific herbs help maintain healthy body weight, boost metabolism, and aide in shrinking fat cells.  Add dried spices to your pantry giving your body a nutritional boost in vitamins and minerals for your summer weight loss plan. (2.)


Yoga For Weight Loss

Benefits of yoga promote total body transformation using a selected series of poses aimed to build muscle and burn off fat.  Research indicates people who participate in regular yoga practice found substantial improvements in strength, stability, endurance, and relaxation.  Individuals who are recovering from injury can regain flexibility, building stamina with controlled movements.  Use summer weight loss strategies including yoga for a totally customized to fit your specific physical needs as each pose can be modified if needed.

Different levels of yoga are available from a beginner class that may last for 20 – 30 minutes to more advanced classes held for 40 -60 minutes in duration. People practice yoga for weight loss on a regular bases find the exercise program to be an effective resource for losing weight while toning the entire body.  Studies suggest yoga does more for your body then boost metabolism it calms the mind helping you make mindful lifestyle choices. (3.)

Yoga is a practice of the mind and body with the philosophy deeply rooted in historical origins of ancient India.  According to the National Health Interview Survey, NHIS conducted in 2007 included a comprehensive survey on the use of yoga a complementary health practice in America found Yoga to be commonly used as a healthy approach to wellness.  The 2007 survey revealed that 1.5 million children practiced yoga in the previous year.  Surveys suggest more than 13 million adults practiced yoga between the years 2002-2007 increasing total participation to 3 million.

Yoga Burn is used to help women become healthier and happy through the practice of yoga using targeted exercises designed to boost your metabolism.  Burn off more calories effectively using proven strategies using dynamic sequencing teaches you how to perform each pose for best results.  Incorporating yoga into your weekly fitness routine can be the foundation for changing your body to become tone and physically fit.

Typically people practice yoga to improve physical fitness and mental clarity and have found greater benefits for improving health and wellbeing.  Research indicates yoga outperformed traditional exercise for increasing balance, strength and stability for people of all ages.  In addition, they may be addressing a physical complication to treat knee, back or arthritis pain using sequences of poses designed to target those problem areas.  Include yoga for summer weight loss strategies to totally transform your body toning muscles and burning of fat.

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Patricia Lynn

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.

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