Managing Weight Counting Calories
Count calories this holiday season using the newest advances in technology to track diet and fitness goals. Holidays can be a hectic time for many people living little or no time for following an exercise program or maintaining a healthy diet. Fortunately, there are simple ways to reduce calories while still enjoying holiday festivities without feeling deprived.
Typically there are many factors to consider when trying to lose weight by increasing physical fitness and reducing total caloric intake. Each person is an individual with specific needs according to gender, age, height, lifestyle, and metabolic rate. A person that is athletic or active will need to consume more calories compared to a person who is less active or sedentary.
Holidays are packed with hectic schedules and tempting treats leaving little or no time for diet and fitness. Small lifestyle changes can be beneficial for weight loss management counting calories, eliminating sweets and boosting your fitness routine walking once per day for 30-60 minutes.
Lose abdominal fat counting calories increasing your workout routine this holiday season for successful weight loss. Simply adding protein to your diet can increase your metabolism to burn off calories more effectively.
Adding 4 ounces of grass-fed organic protein to your diet can actually boost your metabolism into a fat burning machine. Too often people skip eating meat in favor to save on calories and find they have a difficulty losing weight. Count calories eating the right portion of lean cuts of beef, turkey, chicken, fish, and eggs can boost your energy and burn fat.
Avoid Protein mistakes by adding organic, lean protein to your diet. Diets with a high protein intake increase the number of calories burned each day by 80 – 100 % . Our bodies take more energy to burn protein and as a result,t burn fat or metabolize your food at a faster rate. Try adding a few ounces of lean protein to your diet each day and lose belly fat. Help build and maintain your muscle mass by eating the required amount of protein, all of which helps the fat burning mechanism. Research shows that you can burn more fat by eating lean protein compared to eating fats and carbs.
Sugar Free Chocolate Options
Chocolate has health benefits decedents you can enjoy. Unsweetened dark chocolate can be found online or at your local grocery store in the baking section with other brands that are high in sugar. In the effort to control body weight choose unsweetened chocolate for this recipe. Popular unsweetened chocolate brands include Hershey, Ghirardelli 100% cocoa unsweetened chocolate wafers, and 100% pure Caco Organic dark chocolate from Santa Barbara chocolate, are some good sources to choose from. Try this delicious recipe that is both satisfying and nutritious.
Create delicious homemade peanut butter treats you can enjoy while still maintaining your diet. This recipe can be modified to suit your dietary preferences allowing you to make healthy almond chocolate cups where you control the ingredients. Sugar-free syrup can be used to slightly sweeten general recipes without the addition of added sugars. Shop for sugar-free syrups online or at your local grocery store including popular brand names Mrs. Butterworth’s, LakantoMaple flavored syrup, and Log Cabin Sugar-free syrup.
Reduce Calories Sugar Free Options
The holidays are packed with tempting treats high in calories and saturated fats. Reduce calories reading package labeling of all food products purchased for consumption. Aim for sugar free low calorie options to reduce high calorie consumption. Food labels are subject to regulation in most regions to prevent false advertising while promoting food safety for the consumer. Aim for low calorie sugar free deserts this holiday season to manage weight successfully.
Bryers Vanilla sugar free ice cream 110 calories per serving make a perfect dessert for anyone watching their weight. Hersheys sugar free chocolate topping is only 5 calories per serving makes any dessert or chocolate beverage a special treat without the guilt. Count calories using unsweetened options packed with flavor creating delicious desserts.
The nutritional facts label also referred to the nutrition information panel now required in most countries for general educational purposes. Count calories reading product labels to ensure portation control for managing weight. Find products with zero sugar additives or low in sweeteners under 7 grams per serving. Eliminating sugar from your diet will help you lose and maintain a healthy weight.
When reading common food labels on packaged items you are provided with portion amount, calories per serving, sugar amount, carbohydrates, sodium amount, fat and a complete list of ingredients usually located under the label. Product labels are a good source of information for consumers who want to avoid foods high in sugar, saturated fats, and carbohydrates helping shoppers make better food choices.
The average women should consume 2000 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight. Women who want to reduce weight by lowering caloric intake can consume 1500 calories per day to lose one pound per week.
The average male needs 2500 healthy calories per day for maintaining proper weight. Males who are trying to lose weight can consume 2000 calories per day to lose one pound of weight per week.
The guides are based on specific nutritional foods including dietary targets on various labels. For example, the nutritional information on one package of raw almonds clearly displays content of the package, serving size, calories. Counting Calories using portation control will help you stay on track with your diet using the newest technology available.
When celebrating the holidays try Slimfast Bake Shop Double Chocolate Chip cookies to satisfy your cravings for sweets to indulge in healthy versions for your favorite cookies without the guilt. Create a decadent dessert using Sugar free Jell-O Chocolate fudge pie and pudding mix topped with fat free, sugar free whipped topping for a low calorie snack.
Eating a daily balanced diet is always recommended for weight management success. Choosing healthy dessert options peritoneally is festive and fun allowing you to enjoy the holidays while still losing weight.
Counting Calories Celebrating The Holidays
Eliminating or reducing certain foods from the diet can reduce body weight however during the holidays some treats may be too tempting to pass up. Furtonitally there are sugar free, low calorie options available for deserts and beverages.
Calories are your worst enemy find ways to defeat ie using the latest tools available. Calories are units of energy falling into two categories. Kilogram calorie also referred to food calories defined in terms of Kilograms. Everything you eat and drink will turn into total calories consumed, then used by the body to generate energy.
The metabolism comprises the process the body needs to function properly. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) accounts for 60 to 75% of a person’s daily calorie expenditure, resulting in the rate an individual burns calories. The metabolic rate ultimately is responsible for how a person gains or loses weight, typically influenced by several factors including diet and exercise. Studies indicate that a person’s basal metabolic rate declines with age by 1 to 2 % per decade after the age of twenty due to the bodies composition of muscle, fat, bone and water.
Micronutrients in the diet come from lean proteins, carbohydrates, fats, each containing its own nutritional value. Not all calories consumed are created equal or have a beneficial impact on weight loss. In comparison, 100 Grams of lean protein is equal to 400 calories while 100 Grams of fat is equal to 900 calories. Eating a diet rich in lean proteins, nuts, seeds, fish, eggs meat, fruits and vegetables will enhance weight loss when portation control is monitored.
My Fitness App by Jillian Michales
My Fitness Diet and fitness app by Jillian Michales is a comprehensive approach to losing weight using the best information backed by science. Customize a daily personal workout plan, choosing from over 800 individual interactive exercises. Choose from one of Jillian’s exercise programs designed to tone your entire body for all physical fitness levels from beginners to advanced levels.
Choose your music matching the tempo and pace of your workout session to elevate your mood and performance. Maximize calorie burn choosing from unique exercises designed to perfect form building lean muscle and increase endurance with the Fitness app available on desktop, mobile devices or iPad.
Let Jillian be your coach with Yoga Fit a complete yoga program utilizing both power yoga and traditional yoga techniques. It is the latest addition to the customized programs to build energy, stamina and mental and muscular strength using a sequence of yoga poses. Compare diet plans that offer both fitness and diet plan options for lasting results.
The Yoga Fit approach is to shift the focus throughout several weeks of exercise to tone core abdominals, and upper body to achieve amazing results. All fitness and diet plans are available on the computer desktop, iso, Android and iPad devices for easy access.
Boost your metabolism by removing specific foods from your diet including processed grains sugar and alcoholic beverages. This meal plan will help reduce cravings for foods known to cause weight gain reducing the appetite to optimize your metabolism. Burn calories safely and effectively with the 5 day jump start meal plan app.
Combining a healthy diet with a fitness program is the best method for losing weight. Meal plans are now available with My Fitness diet and fitness app by Jillian Michales tailored to suit specific dietary needs. Personal chef and registered dieticians have created several meal plans to choose from with easy to use step by step instruction, shopping list and complete low-calorie menu to choose from.
FREE Complimentary Bonus Holiday gift the Jillian Michales My Fitness Diet and Fitness App Jillian takes all the guesswork out of fitness and diet giving you all the tools you need to successfully lose weight with the new app. Click the link to gain access to the program. Start your 7-Day Free Trial with the Jillian Michaels personalized fitness app. Available on iOS and Android.
Discover new low calorie recipes perfectly balanced using key ingredients to build lean muscle and increase energy levels utilizing the right combination of micronutrients the body needs for weight loss management. Fule your workouts using the pescatarian diet meal plan to maintain muscle and optimize fat burning capacity along with workout program to maximize your results. Count calories eating a healthy diet low in sugar and saturated fats for successful weight loss strategies.
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Happy Holidays!
Patricia Lynn
Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash, Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash