Vitality Living Well


Vitality Optimizes Physical Energy

Vitality boosts physical and mental performance using natural methods scientifically proven to increase energy naturally using healthy lifestyle choices. Vitality is a powerful force of enhanced physiological performance that encourages healthy lifestyle habits among adults in the US. High stress can weaken the immune system and may cause fatigue in the body if left untreated as stress can impact overall health. Adults in the US who stated selected wellbeing activities were considered important to their personal lives seek solutions for reducing overall stress using natural methods. Scientific research suggests adequate sleep is essential at any age, reduces stress, and may lower your risks of developing serious health problems including heart disease, and diabetes. In America, 70 percent of adults report they lack sufficient sleep at least one night per month, and 11 percent report insufficient sleep every night.

Developing good sleep habits naturally boosts vitality, and regulates hormone levels preventing the development of obesity. Eating one ounce of protein from almonds or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter one hour before bed can help you stay asleep through the night. One ounce of slightly toasted almonds typically 25 per serving should be a sufficient protein source.  Almonds have high nutritional values high in the mineral magnesium, and vitamin E aiding in sleep. For optimal sleep, the Bedroom temperature should be 60-67 degrees to induce good sleep patterns. Develop nightly patterns of going to bed at the same time each night and awakening at the same time each day to establish a sleep routine. Primal Sleep is the only system that allows you to quickly fall asleep fully relaxing into a deep rejuvenating sleep each night. A good night’s sleep is essential for gaining vitality the next day to awaken refreshed.

Studies suggest that sleep related difficulties affect 50-70 million Americans of all age groups. Adequate sleep powers the mind invigorates the body, restoring vitality and fortifying virtually every system in the body. Primal sleep uses a 4 part sleep strategy to transform a restless night’s sleep into 7-8 hours of pure bliss.  Part of the program uses audio technology that automatically sends you into a deep sleep allowing your body to fully relax and heal through the night.  The Primal Sleep system is the only complete method that automatically triggers the body to sink into a deep rejuvenating sleep. National Sleep Foundation guidelines advise healthy adults to need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Sleep is essential for being your best both mentally, and physically restoring vitality provides the body with increased energy during the day while reducing stress and increasing vitality.

Make sleep a priority in your schedule and allocate specific times for rest so that social or work activities don’t trade off for sleep. Chronic lack of sleep increases potentially impaired physical performance and increases fatigue feelings of lethargy and lack of enthusiasm. Adequate quality sleep can rejuvenate vitality in living life to the fullest extent in daily activities balancing the mind and body to restore physical energy.

B vitamin complex helps a wide variety of enzymes do their jobs ranging from releasing energy from carbohydrates, and fats and breaking down amino acids enabling transportation of oxygen and energy containing nutrients around the body. According to a systematic review and meta-analysis of low levels of B12 and folate, a dairy equivalent of folic acid to B9 may be associated with depression in older adults. The amount of vitamin B12 a person requires each day depends on your age The National Institute of Health Office Of Dietary Supplements suggests older adults may require higher doses of some B vitamins in order to meet daily recommendations. B vitamin complex supplements may be beneficial in restoring vitality, increasing physical energy is considered generally safe when a person takes as directed, only taking high doses under a doctor’s guidance.

Pre workout enhancers boost vitality for weight loss effectively burning off calories and managing weight while performing exercises. Combining lean proteins with carbs will enhance physical endurance and performance. Optimal nutrition intake prior to exercise will help build lean muscles while minimizing muscle damage. The main purpose of metabolism is converting food into energy through a cellular process fueling the building blocks of proteins and some carbohydrates increasing vitality.  The biochemical process of converting beverages and calories in foods is combined with oxygen released into the physical energy the body needs to function.  Consuming more protein throughout the day helps you burn off calories due to the thermic effect increasing metabolic rate after consuming a meal. 

Carbohydrate loading is typically done one week before any intense activity increasing physical endurance a strategy used by athletes to maximize the storage of glycogen in the muscles and liver for energy boost vitality naturally. Low glycemic foods commonly include vegetables, wheat pasta, wheat bread, grains, and nuts. For short and high-intensity exercises your glycogen stores are your main source of energy. A carbohydrate-loading diet involves consuming a high carb diet for  1-7 days used as a popular method to maximize glycogen for pre workout optimization. The thermic effect of food is dietary induced thermogenesis is the amount of energy expenditure above the basal metabolic rate processing food for storage and use in the body. Good nutrition can boost physical performance and recover faster after each workout session. Fueling your body with the right combination of nutrition pre-workout will support good energy levels and give you the strength you need to perform better increasing vitality naturally.

Eating beets has become popular among athletes in 2012 at the Olympic Games, resulting in a 16 percent increase in physical performance to increase vitality in sports compilation. The benefits of beets have a positive effect it has on health increasing physical endurance and helping you stay active. Beneficial compounds found in beets widen and relax blood vessels resulting in lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow naturally.  According to scientific studies, beets have demonstrated positive results in reducing inflammation and protective vascular effects improving circulation and increasing physical vitality. The root vegetable has grown in popularity attracting attention as a health-promoting functional food for preventing or treating cardiovascular disease benefits from powerful antioxidant compounds found in beets. Superfood foods are a nutritious powerhouse when consumed with a sensible diet plan may reduce your risk of developing a disease.

Healthy foods provide the body with maximum nutrition naturally boosting immunity and increasing vitality throughout the day. Flavonoids found in disease-fighting foods regulate cellular activity fighting off free radical damage that causes oxidative stress on your body.  Naturally occurring antioxidants including vitamins E, vitamin C, and carotenoids obtained from food sources lower their risks of developing chronic disease. Studies suggest approximately 80 percent of dietary nitrates are derived from vegetable consumption sources of nitrates include fruit, vegetables, and meats. Superbeets supplement is available in a powder is the nitric oxide equivalent of 3 whole beets in every scoop.  Superbeets benefit the body by supporting physical energy while increasing stamina without sugar sweeteners, caffeine, or stimulants. 

Beetroot enhances physical endurance and brain performance while exercising increasing vitality naturally. Improve circulation as nitric oxide signals blood vessels to relax and dilate.  Research indicates beetroot is perceived as having physiological effects promoting good circulation and may help prevent type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, and lower blood pressure. Foods containing betalain pigmentation red and yellow in color that contain high antioxidant levels may help reduce the risks associated with some diseases. The protective effects of antioxidants scavenge free radicals from cells and prevent and reduce the effects of cellular oxidation to improve health increasing vitality.


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy Of airdone at AdobeStock




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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.