Wellness Alternative Approach


Wellness New Reality Of Optimism 

Wellness is termed optimal health free from injury or disease in the human body and focused on the mind body spirit connection. People are seeking preventative alternative approaches to maintaining good health through nutritional support and increasing physical activity.  In today’s society, people find intentionally practicing good lifestyle choices may lead to increased productivity at work.  According to the Global Wellness Institute updated current trends indicate the wellness economy is a 4.2 trillion dollar market focussing on key sectors in health and beauty. People across the globe have become more aware of personal habits and find new ways to create change for a more fulfilling life.  Mindset replacing negative thoughts with positive ones creates wellness of a new reality of optimism and feelings of hope for a better future in 2023.  

People have recently become more aware of personal habits and are pursuing new ways to mindfully set their intention to create a fulfilling life experience. Changing your life by reading more to reduce stress, and increase literacy through uplifting stories of encouragement creates an atmosphere of wellness gaining inspiration through reading motivational materials.  Setting your mindset of intention toward important areas to invoke change focusing on future goals may bring about a positive mindset in 2023.  Current trends indicate the health and wellness economy is a 4.2 trillion dollar market focussing on key sectors in the health and beauty industry market. More people are searching for preventative solutions to approaching good health habits through nutritional support and establishing new lifestyle choices. 

Improving your life by writing a list of goals you want to obtain such as buying a new house, changing careers, increasing income, losing weight, relax more often will establish wellness focusing personal goals in the right direction.  The list will clearly define the goals you want to obtain providing insight into what direction to focus on finding solutions. Improving your life using a positive mindset is essential for focusing on a good emotional attitude and finding the bright side of life leading to positive results. Optimism is having a positive attitude that lowers the rate of depression benefiting emotional wellness and increasing a person’s mindset of happiness generating wellness from within. The mind is everything you want to become.

Monitoring diet is essential for maintaining normal body weight eating nutritious foods using portion control enhances weight management strategies and creates physical wellness. Eliminating foods high in saturated fats, sugar, and salt has scientifically been proven to promote weight loss in individuals who practice healthy eating habits. Micronutrients consumed through nutritious foods provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals the body requires to sustain good wellness both physically as well as mentally.  Nutrients are not produced in the body and must be obtained through dietary sources to for disease prevention in the body.  A positive mindset is essential for focusing on a good emotional attitude and finding the bright side of life leading to positive results. Having a positive attitude lowers the rate of depression benefiting physical and emotional wellbeing and increasing a person’s lifespan. 

Positive thinking benefits the cardiovascular system and reduced the risk of death from heart disease.  Studies suggest people who focus on positive thinking continue to benefit from optimism feelings of hope confidence about the future and continue to project a cheerful attitude leading to improved health of wellness.  The correlation between lifestyle choices and good health is clearly defined indicators as positive thinking is beneficial for mental health eliminating negative thoughts that may lead to stress and depression. People who think positively feel more content and happier in life leading to healthy habits in diet and exercise.  The advantages of positive thinking increase personal confidence, self esteem feelings of strength, and stability in creating nurturing atmosphere. Increase positive thinking to motivate and energize you to achieve personal goals visualizing your intention to commit to a plan of action.  

According to the University of Texas in Austin, individuals who reported higher levels of optimism and positive thinking engage in health promoting behaviors such as exercise and healthy eating. The research underscores the importance of adopting positive thinking quotes into daily life due to the significant physical health of wellness. Diet establishing new lifestyle habits selecting nutritious foods low in calories that are satisfying to eat creates wellness from within the body consuming nutritious foods in 2023.  Millions of Americans pledge to create a new standard of living by embracing dieting with enthusiasm intended to reach optimal weight. Obesity is a serious medical condition in the United States affecting 1 in 3 adults, and the epidemic affecting 500 million people worldwide in 2021. 

Gaining weight may be attributed to several factors including eating a diet high in calories and lacking dietary nutrition. More people are focusing on preventative measures to wellness eating the right foods in an effort to prevent chronic disease. Most people gain weight because they consume more calories than they burn off through daily activities. Calorie calculators can be used to estimate the number of calories a person needs to consume each day based on several equations to determine simple guidelines for losing weight. The Journal of Nutritional Neuroscience identifies dietary patterns that may be linked to distress in adults and describe structural differences between males’ and females’ susceptibility to mood disorder due to poor dietary choices associated with nutritional risk factors. 

Diet impacts the brain’s chemistry affecting mental health due to nutritional deficiencies leading to mental distress.  Adults following a healthy diet and lifestyle choices including regular exercise lower risks of heart disease and early death leads to the wellness of the mind body spirit connection 

According to the research of the University Of Pennsylvania individuals who engage in positive thinking experience increased life satisfaction and improved mental and physical outcomes. ” We become what we think about,” says Earl Nightingale. Research indicates people who practice positive thinking techniques showed increased resilience and the ability to cope with stress. Living your next day as if life has just begun benefits mental wellness and forms expectations of a good outcome and looking for a brighter future. When going through a difficult situation first think about it then turn it into something positive creating a new reality of wellness. When you think positively good things happen in other areas of your life bringing forth good vibes others will notice a change in yourself reflecting inner peace.  “To be happy is to think positively confidently and optimistically,” says Dr. T.P. Chia 


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of garalt at Pixbay


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About Patricia Lynn 300 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.