Wellness Mind Body Spirit Connection


Wellness Practice Good Lifestyle

Wellness is usually categorized by optimal health free from injury or disease in the human body. In today’s society, people find intentionally practicing good lifestyle choices may lead to increased productivity at work choosing to live a better lifestyle adhering to healthy habits.  According to the Global Wellness Institute updated current trends indicate the wellness economy is a 4.2 trillion dollar market focussing on key sectors in health and beauty as more people seek alternative methods to achieve wellness. People are looking for preventative approaches to maintaining good health through nutritional support while increasing physical activity.  Change your life using strategies used by experts to create new lifestyle changes leading to optimal health  Discover how to create simple changes through diet boosting mental and physical performance.  In today’s society, people are searching for new alternative methods developing new habits leading to increased productivity in every area of life personally and professionally often leading to more fulfillment focus on the total mind body spirit connection.  Current trends indicate the health and wellness economy is a 4.2 trillion dollar market focusing on key sectors in the health and beauty industry. 

More people are looking at preventative approaches to maintaining good health through nutritional support making healthy lifestyle choices in everyday dietary choices. Wellness is clearly defined by the quality of state of being of mind, body, and spirit as more people are turning inward to focus on feelings of calm to restore inner peace.  Individuals have become more aware of personal habits find new ways to create change for a fulfilling life.  Monitoring diet is essential for maintaining normal body weight eating nutritious foods using portion control enhances weight management strategies. Reducing foods high in saturated fats, sugar and salt has scientifically been proven to promote weight loss in individuals who practice healthy eating habits. Micronutrients consumed through nutritious foods provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals the body requires to sustain good wellness both physically as well as mentally.  Nutrients are not produced in the body and must be obtained through dietary sources for disease prevention in the body.

The US Department of Health suggests eating well is the practice of making choices about diet and nutrition with the intention of improving and maintaining good health is essential for total body wellness.  Increase monitoring of your diet maintaining normal body weight eating nutritious foods designed to help you lose weight.  Following portion control enhances weight management lowering calories while eating a satisfying diet. Eliminating foods high in fried foods, saturated fats, salt, and sugar that have scientifically been proven to promote weight loss in individuals who practice healthy eating habits.  Eating well, maintaining a healthy diet and managing stress will significantly change your life and develop new habits.  Micronutrients eaten through nutritious foods provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals the body requires to sustain good wellness both physically and mentally. Superfoods are rich sources of essential nutrients the body needs to function properly. Diets rich in whole grains in combination with dark green and brightly colored vegetables have been proven to lower cholesterol, reduce cancer risks and prevent obesity.  We are all becoming more aware of the importance of adding more fresh vegetables to our daily diets combined with lean proteins and healthy fats to promote wellness.

The Journal of Nutritional Neuroscience identifies dietary patterns that may be linked to distress in adults describe structural differences between males and females’ susceptibility to mood disorder due to poor dietary choices associated with nutritional risk factors.  Diet impacts the brain’s chemistry affecting mental health due to nutritional deficiencies leading to mental distress.  Adults following a healthy diet and lifestyle choices including regular exercise lower risks of heart disease and early death.  Balance in physical activity, good nutritional support leads to increased energy and positive mindset feelings of wellness.  Regular exercise is essential for both physical and mental fitness positively affecting the entire body.  Exercise is performed for various reasons including weight management, strengthening muscles improving total body wellness at any fitness level for pure enjoyment.

A positive mindset is essential for focussing on a good emotional attitude finding the bright side of life leading to positive results.  Having a positive attitude lowers the rate of depression benefiting physical and emotional wellbeing increasing a person’s lifespan.  Positive thinking benefits the cardiovascular system and reduced the risk of death from heart disease promotes total body wellness.  Studies suggest people who focus on positive thinking continue to benefit from optimism feelings of hope confidence about the future continue to project a cheerful attitude leading to improved health.  The correlation between lifestyle choices and good health is a clearly defined indicator as positive thinking is beneficial for mental health eliminating negative thoughts that may lead to stress and depression. People who think positively feel more content and happier in life leading to healthy habits in diet and exercise.  The advantages of positive thinking increase personal confidence, self-esteem feelings of strength, and stability in creating nurturing atmosphere that enhances wellness from within. Increase positive thinking to motivate and energize you to achieve personal goals visualizing your intention committing to a plan of action with a few moments of quiet meditation reflecting on moments of gratitude for what we have and what we want to achieve in the future.


Staying active walking is an effective exercise used to benefit the entire body converting food into energy, burning off calories, to lose weight often used as a low-impact exercise that benefits wellness. Walk once per day for 30 to 60 minutes at moderate speed to dramatically improve your health and tone your body. Walking increases circulation, strengthening the heart muscle increases pumping efficiency ultimately reducing resting heart rate referred to as aerobic conditioning to decrease the risks associated with heart disease. Manage weight by walking  10,000 steps per day performing moderate aerobic activities challenge your body increasing heart rate helps people stay active.  Walking gets your heart to beat faster conditioning the cardiovascular system to move more oxygen and blood throughout the body while increasing lung capacity wellness. Walking recommendations guidelines for adults is to get a minimum of 150 minutes of aerobic exercise, moderate cardio physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity each week, or a combination of moderate to intense cardio exercise each week to benefit from exercise.

The average person walking for one hour covers 3 miles of trial can burn off approximately 225 to 365 calories per session depending on age, gender, and fitness level variations may apply.  Walking once per day is optimal for managing weight, effectively walking at moderate speed for one hour seven days per week can help you burn off 1,575 to 2,555 calories per week to lose weight to stay active for total body wellness.

Sleep Benefits Wellness

Sleep benefits good health allowing the body to fully relax during the night helping the body rejuvenate restoring energy levels.  Sleep is a naturally occurring state categorized by an altered state of consciousness a state of relaxation with inhibited sensory activity. According to the Sleep, Foundation sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and wellbeing.  Studies indicate we spend one-third of our lives asleep providing the body with rest and relaxation it needs to refresh.  Deficient sleep patterns may lead to disorders increase the risk of obesity, heart disease, and infections.  Lifestyle habits that contribute to good sleep hygiene can be valuable for benefiting from sleeping through the night improving overall health.  Sleep helps you feel rested fully energized to start your day essential to your wellness.  While sleeping the body’s internal organs, the physiological process is hard at work throughout the night balancing energy, hormones supporting mood, alertness enhancing intellectual functions.  When fatigued you may experience sleep deprivation a feeling of tiredness inhibiting performance in every area of your life professionally and personally. 

Studies indicate that people who are tired are more likely to develop depression adversely influencing their mood and interaction with others. When fully rested people can operate at a whole new level of awareness compared to people who sleep for minimal amounts of time 2-4 hours per night. Lack of sleep can impair productivity at work decrease reasoning to problem-solving skills in attention to detail. Certain factors can influence the quality of sleep, including eating late at night to everyday stressors.  Sleep deprivation is also known as sleeplessness a condition of not having enough sleep adversely affecting the brain’s cognitive functions. Continual sleep-restricted sleep patterns can cause an increase in appetite leading to weight gain if left untreated.  Feelings of fatigue lead to clumsiness, and daytime sleepiness causes less productivity at work. Get 6-7 hours of deep sleep each night to positively affect your total body wellness awake feeling refreshed ready to start your day.

Sleeping Solutions For Wellness

Sleep is the total body rejuvenation for the body’s wellness resting to restore the immunity strengthening the body’s defenses against cold and flu.  Fortunately, there are simple solutions you can implement to catch some zzzs sleeping well through the night. During sleep, hormones are released into the bloodstream that can impact your health and weight. These include growth hormones vital for rejuvenation tissue repair in adults.  Sleeping well 6-8 hours per night helps balance our appetite by maintaining optimal levels of hormones that regulate appetite, including leptin and ghrelin, which help you with weight management enhances your wellness. Eat one ounce of almonds or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter one hour before bed to help stabilize sleep patterns and has a beneficial effect on muscle. Sleep in comfortable nightwear to help induce a deep restful sleep as part of your wellness routine. Your bedroom temperature should be 60-67 degrees for optimal sleep patterns. Go to bed at the same time each night awake at the same time each day to establish a regular sleep routine to help set your internal clock to fall asleep at a specific time and then awake fully refreshed at the same time each day.

Although you may not be able to control the stressors in your life developing nightly habits lead to improving the quality of deep sleep. Eating protein one hour before going to sleep can provide the body with essential amino acids to build and repair muscles while sleeping. Consuming 25 almonds one hour before bed can positively impact your sleep quality. One ounce of slightly toasted almonds typically 25 per serving should be a sufficient protein source.  Almonds have high nutritional values high in the mineral magnesium, vitamin E, calcium and potassium, and riboflavin providing additional protein stabilize blood sugar levels at night helping you stay asleep longer.  Developing bedtime rituals benefits natural sleep patterns ensures rest enhancing your internal wellness. 


Patricia Lynn

Images Courtesy of geralt at Pixbay

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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.