Workout Increase Physical Fitness Tone Entire Body


Tone Entire Body

Workout using any activity that improves and maintains physical fitness increasing strength while burning off fat.  Exercise is usually performed for various reasons including for the overall health of the human body. Regular physical activity plays an important role in maintaining optimal weight preventing disease.  Studies suggest people who are sedentary inactive may develop cardiovascular complications, diabetes, obesity, or other poor health conditions.  Regular exercise provides enormous benefits for the body to boost physical performance.

Walking outdoors is important for weight control because it helps the body burn off calories effectively while getting a daily dose of sunshine, breathing in fresh air benefits the entire body. Depending on your weight and the speed of walking you can expect to burn off between 147 to 556 calories per hour depending on the route you choose.  Workout walking once per day can have an enormous impact on benefiting overall health.

Pilates is a physical fitness workout developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates and practiced worldwide.  As of 2005, there were 11 million people practicing the discipline on a regular basis and 1400 instructors.  The phenomenon has exploded over the past twenty years gaining popularity with individuals of all ages practiced at home or in class.   Pilates is a method designed to exercise precise movements in stretching, strengthen, balance and controlled breathing to tone.

Home Gym Workout

Workout at home increasing physical exercise using hand weights with fitness gear to build muscle and lose weight  Exercise has many benefits including improving overall health, increasing physical endurance, strength helping you stay active.. Core abdominal exercises designed to tone the abs, improve balance, stability in all physical activities. Workout using abdominal exercises to strengthen and train your muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen to work in harmony increasing good posture for better physical performance. 

Improve postural balance using several core workouts designed to enhance abdominal muscle strength and flexibility performed a few times per week to achieve noticeable results. The best method used to strengthen the core area focus on tightening the transverse abdominis the deepest abdominal muscle you can feel contracting while toning your abdominal muscle to protect your spine is the most effective ab exercise to tone and strengthen. Sitting in an upright position pull the abdomen back toward the spine hold the position for 5 seconds and release.  Repeat the exercise for 20-30 repetitions 4 times per week while sitting in a chair or watching tv to strengthen core muscles.

Stretching promote flexibility elongating muscles while building lean muscles to tone the entire body helping you lose weight. Static stretching is a type of stretch by which an individual person gently tension is felt and held for 30-second intervals until the muscle release is felt.  

Regular cardio exercises have enormous benefits for the body improving mood, reducing stress and lowing the incidence of depression. Aerobic conditioning can be achieved through cardiovascular exercises including walking, running, cycling, aerobics, and swimming. Exercising at lower intensities will improve aerobic conditioning walking 30-60 minutes per day burning calories with increased physical activity.  

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Patricia Lynn



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Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.