Yoga Stretching Benefits Total Body Fitness Weight Loss


Increase Physical Performance With Yoga

Yoga stretching benefits to the entire body is typically used by athletes, patients in rehabilitation and older adults who want to gain strength, flexibility and muscular stability.  Yoga exercise has become a popular form of stretching benefiting the entire body from the inside out increasing physical performance using a series of poses.  

According to the National Libary of Medicine yoga stretching increases physical performance, flexibility, a full range of motion reducing the risks associated with injuries. Stretching keeps muscle fibers healthy strong and flexibility increasing oxygen to the entire body by improving circulation boosting energy levels.  

Stretching is commonly used as a form of exercise in which tendons and muscles are deliberately extended to stretch and flex in order to increase muscular flexibility.  Yoga stretching benefits the entire body increasing the metabolism to burn calories more effectively while building lean muscle mass while burning off fat. Studies indicate stretching on a regular basis can reduce risks to injuries due to improved muscular function, increased flexibility and a full range of motion.

Slow deliberate movements designed to stretch and elongate specific muscle groups enhance flexibility through a series of yoga stretches. The origins of yoga development have been speculated to date back to approximately 5,000 years ago as a series of targeted poses. Historically the yoga practice was created by yoga masters a system of practices designed to rejuvenate and prolong life, embracing the physical body as a means of spiritual enlightenment.


Yoga Stretching Benefits Health

Benefits of yoga transform the total body beyond the matt increasing the metabolism to burn calories safely and effectively for weight loss. Yoga stretching is considered a low impact exercise that can increase blood flow circulation to muscles and organs using a series of combined exercises.  The exercises are accomplished at any location at home or at the gym without any equipment. 

Studies suggest people who stretch or practice yoga 3 times per week increase metabolism to burn off fat safely and effectively.  Enhance muscular coordination through a series of poses designed to stabilize and strengthen each muscle group including arms, core, hips, glutes, legs, and thighs.   Typically muscle soreness can be caused by many factors including injury, physical inactivity and scarring resulting in increased muscle soreness.  Inactive muscles can become shortened through postural changes leading to an imbalance in range of motion and strength.

Studies Suggest the benefits of yoga have outperformed aerobic exercises at improving balance, strength, muscle tone, weight loss while reducing pain levels in seniors.  People recovering from injury may benefit from regularly participating in yoga to regain flexibility and build stamina through controlled movements.  Among health parameters, yoga promotes a sense of calmness and clarity enabling an increase in productivity in occupational goals.

Yoga stretching instruction may be learned by taking a class at a gym in your area by a qualified practitioner reading books, video or watch DVDs dedicated to the practice. People gravitate to this form of exercise in recent years for the benefits of yoga for relaxation of mind and body as well as increasing flexibility.  Individuals may practice yoga postures including principles relieving stress while benefiting a healthy lifestyle.

Each yoga pose is designed to build muscle while burning off fat by increasing the metabolism to work more effectively. Building strong muscle fibers while stretching will boost endurance levels toning the entire body.  Flexible muscles reduce risk to injuries promoting strength.

Yoga Stretching Boost Metabolism Lose Weight

Unfortunately, obesity is very common for both women and men of all ages and has become a national epitomic.  People living a sedentary lifestyle will pack on a few pounds just by being inactive.  Poor dietary choices consuming far too many calories will add unwanted fat in the body resulting in weight gain.  Yoga stretching exercises has been proven to boost metabolism, increase energy, tone and tighten the entire body by building lean muscle while burning off fat.

As you progress in your yoga stretching practice your body will become more flexible building endurance over time.  Increase metabolism to burn off fat safely and effectively using yoga in combination with a healthy diet for good results.  Studies indicate 63 percent of adults are motivated to workout with yoga on a regular basis.

Stretching with yoga is a common exercise performed to warm up muscles before and after any exercise program or used in a rehabilitation setting to increase muscle function.  Studies suggest yoga benefits stretching on a regular basis can increase flexibility in natural movement, joints, by reducing muscle tension.

Yoga Stretching Tips

  • Ask your healthcare provider before practicing yoga stretching
  • Wear comfortable clothing while working out
  • Choose yoga programs to suit fitness level
  • Boost metabolism, Lose weight with yoga building muscle burning off fat
  • Practice deep breathing while practicing yoga for relaxation

Yoga Stretching benefits physical endurance and may prevent certain diseases such as diabetes, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease.  You do not have to be an athlete to reach a good fitness level.  Walk 30 minutes every day to improve cardiovascular conditioning and reduce the risk associated with obesity in combination with healthy diet and yoga stretching routine to order to reach your goals.

Fluctuations in hormone levels or even some medications can cause a huge spike on the scale.  Studies indicate 86 percent of individuals who pratic yoga experienced a reduction in stress leading to improved overall health.  Yoga benefits the entire body reducing the risk of disease while promoting mental and physical wellness.

My Fitness App Jillian Michales Diet, Yoga & Fitness Program

The Jillian Michales My Fitness App provides Yoga Fit workout and detailed dieting program including step by step guide designed to help you lose weight.  Customize daily workouts choosing from one of Jillian’s programs tailored to suit your needs.  Over 800 unique exercises are available including HD video to help perfect your form.  Personalize your workout to increase or decrease the intensity level at any time and Jillian will respond accordingly. Sync your workouts with your health to suit your specific fitness level.

Yoga Fit is a 30-day yoga program that uses both traditional power yoga and flow techniques to build stamina, strength, and energy.  The detailed 4-week workout focuses on core abdominal muscles, arms, glutes and legs to tone and tighten the entire body.  Lose weight boosting your metabolism to work more effectively using powerful yoga poses.

Lose weight with the comprehensive dieting plans created by a registered dietitian.   Building lean muscle while burning off fat resulting in a sexy strong body using over 800 unique exercises to choose from.

Individuals practice yoga for weight loss regularly participating in routines designed to tone the entire body, building lean muscle mass while burning fat.  Increase energy levels with deep breathing exercises allowing more oxygen into the body is referred to as a built-in stress reliever.

The intention of yoga stretching benefits is to strengthen the entire body mind and spirit through controlled movements.  Most postures are completed on a yoga mat including deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen uptake in the body providing relaxation a feeling of tranquility. Join Jillian Michales My Fitness App today to get access to diet, yoga and fitness program.  Start your 7-Day Free Trial with the Jillian Michaels personalized fitness app. Available on iOS and Android.

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Patricia Lynn

Photo by CATHY PHAM on Unsplash

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About Patricia Lynn 304 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.