Yoga Workout Toning Transforming Your Body


Lose Weight With Yoga

Yoga practice has been developed by the ancient roots of India’s philosophy in early civilizations as a form of exercise. It originated in Inda dating back 5,000 years ago as depicted discoveries found in archeological digs show yoga poses. The intention of yoga is to strengthen the entire body mind and spirit through sequential movements.  Postures are performed on a yoga mat including deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen uptake in the body providing relaxation.

Typically 1.7 million children now practice yoga under the age of 17 as schools have adopted yoga as a form of relaxation and focus. Yoga is used as a total body practice for 21 million adults in the United States for those seeking a complementary approach to health. Yoga practice is relatively new in western society as a popular exercise regimen used for physical and mental wellness.

Yoga schools are available including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism offering different types of goals.

Yoga Benefits the physical, mental and spiritual disciplines designed to focus a sequence of postures improving flexibility while building lean muscle mass. Studies indicate 43% of people practice yoga at home while 40% attend a gym participating in a class atmosphere.

Yoga has gained popularity in the United States as people spend 2.5 billion dollars annually on yoga instruction for wellness the number one reason you practice, number 2 a sense of peace and calm, and number 3 health benefits of yoga.

Several styles of Hatha yoga have developed over the past few decades due to the expansion reaching global proportions  Traditionally physical poses referred to asana in the practice of Hatha are similar to Hot Yoga.

In the West, the definition of yoga is the general term used for the practice of “Hatha Yoga”  Hatha yoga is centuries old practice designed to promote good health and wellbeing based philosophy involving controlled physical postures, slow movements along with deep breathing for best benefits of yoga.

Yoga Burn Workout  Tone Your Body!

Yoga Burn begins by toning and sculpting lean muscles for beginners and advanced levels while enjoying the full benefit of this popular exercise program.  Have fun while practicing specialized sequences designed to boost metabolism and transform your entire body. Key features allow you to slowly progress to the next phase exercising at your own pace for best results safely and effectively.

Yoga Stretching burns calorie tone and tightens your body stretching your muscles providing weight bearing exercises to increase flexibility and lose weight.  By encouraging healthy lifestyle choices you will be able to maintain body weight with yoga while eating a diet rich in nutritious foods. 

Yoga Burn complete video series containing progressive yoga stretches designed to boost metabolism and burn fat.  Yoga has been used for thousands of years to develop lean muscle, relax and tone the entire body from the inside out using targeted poses.  Lose weight with Yoga Burn exercise program transforming your body gain more physical endurance with dynamic sequencing. Click Here to watch the free video.

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Patricia Lynn



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About Patricia Lynn 303 Articles
Patricia Lynn Author of How To Lose Belly Fat Guide a blog dedicated to the latest information on inspiring topics of discussion on weight loss, diet, healthy recipes, fitness, and good health.